Chemical Peels - What to Know!

Depending on what time of year you’re reading this, ideal chemical peel season is either starting to come to an end or is just about to start! Either way, this could be the best time for you to receive a chemical peel & begin your new skincare rituals for your best summer skin! 

First off, what are chemical peels? Chemical peels are a solution that when applied to our skin, creates a controlled wound stimulating the skin to heal itself. They come in a variety of different strengths & the more acidic the peel, the more change that we will experience. This change is known as the cell renewal factor (CRF). This is the rate at which new baby cells make their way to the top, surface level of your skin resulting in softer, smoother, brighter, even toned skin! It supports new, healthy cell growth & an increase in collagen production and is extremely important because as we age, our CRF slows way down resulting in accumulative damage that sits on top of the skin & prevents healthy cellular activity within. 

As an esthetician, it is my job to help facilitate this change in the safest & most enjoyable way possible :) SO, let’s dive a bit deeper into the world of chemical peels!

What chemical peels good for:

  • Reducing acne & acne scarring

  • Hyperpigmentation & sun damage

  • Fine lines, wrinkles & lax skin

  • Texture

  • Rebuilding barrier & hydration levels

  • Preventing future damage

There are things that we can do to prepare our skin to receive a chemical peel & get the best results possible.

1) Use gentle products & skincare treatments leading up to your appointment! This will ensure that your skin doesn’t experience too much trauma at once.

2) Give yourself about 1-2 weeks after your appointment to rest, recoup & keep your body in a cool, low temp environment. This means no direct sun exposure or putting your body in a hot environment (why we don’t typically perform chem peels in the summer).

3) STAY HYDRATED - inside & out. Your skin heals better when it is hydrated so applying your moisturizer & keeping a hydrating mist on deck is a must! 

Our skin cells have a lifespan of about 28 days before they sluff off & a new cycle begins. Knowing this, chemical peels work better in series because of our ability to target the new skin cells at the beginning of each skin cell cycle. This is what creates corrective & lasting change!

To see if chemical peels would benefit you, book a New Client Consultation & Facial where we will be able to pretreat your skin and get you on the correct products & assess what peel would be best for you to have your skin feeling it’s best! 

Happy Peeling!

Julia McWilliams

Hello! My name is Julia McWilliams and I am the owner of JLM Esthetics LLC, a local Denver skincare studio. I am committed to providing the utmost amazing skincare services that are evidence based while also incorporating a holistic approach. It is my passion to get to work with you & your skin and I truly appreciate you taking the time to be here with me! Sending the best ~ Julia

The WHY Behind Facial Massage.


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